
London Garden Society Awards

Find out more about our beautiful gardens winning big at this year’s London Garden Society Awards!

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Our Head Gardener Jocelyn and Seasonal Gardener Darren recently attended the prestigious London Gardens Society Awards at the beautiful Guildhall.

The evening was a meeting of senior gardeners from various institutions across London such as the London Fire Brigade, London ambulance drivers, hospitals and other hospices hoping for a win. The guest of honour was Professor Ghilean Prance, former Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.

The gardening team was encouraged this year to enter the competition after a five year hiatus, and were delighted to have won a series of certificates as well as the London Hospices Plate as overall winners of the London Hospices Competition!

St Joseph’s were awarded a Gold certificate for Best Large Garden, another Gold certificate for Best Window Boxes, Containers and Hanging Displays and a Silver certificate for Best Small Garden.

Jocelyn said “myself and Darren could not have achieved this without the support of our facilities department, our loyal and hard working community volunteers and the enthusiasm and energy of our corporate volunteers. We were very proud to be representing St Joseph’s”