St Joseph’s service user group - have your say
St Joseph’s is committed to improving all the services it offers. One of the key influences on decisions made about service changes is our highly valued service user group.

This group comprises people who currently use our services, or whose relatives receive them and others who have used our services in the recent past.
The group meets monthly at the Hospice, usually on the third Thursday of every month. Members are invited to comment both on proposed new developments in the Hospice, and on proposed changes to existing services. They are also invited to comment on any proposed building changes in the Hospice. The group can request to meet senior managers and clinicians, to learn more about a particular area of work and to ask questions.
Examples of areas that the group have been involved with recently include commenting on new patient information leaflets, responding to possible changes to the Refreshment area in The Hub, commenting on fundraising pamphlets, making suggestions about training for medical students and the new St Joseph’s Hospice website.
For more information contact
Sarah Burnard, Community Engagement Manager
Tel: 07944 178591