Make a Single Donation

Make a Single Gift

We rely on your generosity to make sure we can continue our work. Whatever you can afford to give will make a difference to our patients and their families. You can make a one-off donation or pay in sponsorship or monies raised here.

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£25 would allow a patient without mobility to attend the day hospice and return home using specialised transport.

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£50 would provide a group session of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for patients, carers and family members.



£100 would pay for 3 months of arts supplies for all the patients who use the day hospice.


Any amount you give will help St Joseph's deliver the very highest standards of care, compassion and specialist clinical support at the Hospice, in the home, or in the wider community.

Donation Amount *
Make a Regular Donation

Regular Gift

A regular gift by direct debit is a simple and convenient way for you to support St Joseph’s Hospice. Regular donations allow us to plan for the future and ensure that we are always here for our community. You can sign up today here.

£5 per month could provide 2 physiotherapy sessions which are tailored to a patient's illness and individual needs - improving their quality of life by helping them be as independent as possible for as long as possible.
£7 per month could provide 2 bereavement counselling sessions, helping reduce emotional stress in individuals or whole families who are struggling to cope with their loss.
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£10 per month could provide a day's full care at our Day Hospice. Coming along can mean a really great day for someone with a life-limiting illness, giving them the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, access all our treatments and take part in activities.

Other Amount
Any amount you give will help St Joseph's deliver the very highest standards of care, compassion and specialist clinical support at the Hospice, in the home, or in the wider community.

Donation Amount *

Giving in Memory

Supporting the work of the Hospice in memory of a loved one is a perfect way to remember them and celebrate their life. To make a donation in memory of a loved one, please use this form.

There are other ways you can remember a loved one including Funeral Collections, Tribute Funds and Memory Tree.

Find out more

Make a Donation in Memory

Make a donation in memory of a loved one.

In Memory Donation Large Form
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Make a donation in memory of someone special

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Local hospice lottery

Join the Local Hospice Lottery – the lottery that gives you a great chance of winning AND an easy way to help, all for just £1 per week!

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Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will is a great way to ensure that St Joseph’s Hospice is here to support people in the future.

Find out more about our free will writing services, will writing workshops or request a wills information pack.

Other ways to give

You can also donate by;


Call us on 020 8525 3200 to make a donation by credit/debit card. Calls are answered Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm


Send a cheque made payable to St Joseph’s Hospice to us at Mare Street, London E8 4SA

Find out more…

Gift Aid

If you are a taxpayer, you can Gift Aid your donation. Find out more here

Contact preferences

You can update your contact preferences at any time here

We value your privacy

You can visit our privacy policy Privacy Statement

Can't give online?

Please use the downloadable forms to send in your donations by post.

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