
Bungee Jump London

This is your chance to bungee from our central London Bungee Jumping venue located at Coram’s Fields in Bloomsbury in the very heart of London. Jumping from a crane at 160ft with the magnificent views of Central London, this is a unique event so be sure to book onto this event to avoid disappointment. Be a part of a limited number of bungee jumpers who will be able to experience a jump at this incredible venue!

Registration fee Fundraising target
Adult £30 £300

Chose from a number of dates including

  • Saturday 17th or Sunday 18th May
  • Saturday 19th or Sunday 20th July
  • Saturday 30th or Sunday 31st August
  • Saturday 27th or Sunday 28th September

When you sign up to take on this epic challenge, we’ll be with you every step of the way. We’re ready with all the goodies, tips and tricks to give you the best abseil experience ever:

  • A free welcome pack including a St Joseph’s Hospice t-shirt to help you look the part!
  • Support from our dedicated fundraising extraordinaires – phone, email or old-fashioned post – we’ll be here to help you smash you fundraising target!
  • The option to share your story on social media
Bungee jump

Bungee Jump Registration Form

Events Interest Form
  • Your details
  • Event details
  • Keep in touch

You details

Please be aware...

NB: As with all challenge events, this date may be subject to postponement or cancellation.

We will keep our event participants up-to-date with any changes if and when they are announced.