Foundations in Palliative Care – Working with Loss and Grief
This workshop focuses on the social, psychological, spiritual and practical issues experienced by individuals approaching the end of life and their carers
Contact Information
To find out more and sign up, please contact the team

Learning Objectives
- Define what person-centred care means for an individual.
- Identify how different individuals respond to loss, grief and bereavement.
- Explore how health and social care practitioners can respond effectively to and support the diverse ways in which individuals and their carers experience loss, grief and bereavement .
- Identify effective self-care strategies and strategies to help support team members to remain resilient when working with people at the end of life.
Tina Morris – Practice Development Nurse
Gary Murphy – Advanced Nurse Practitioners
June Kibuthu – Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Marianne Mestern – Head of Community Palliative Care Team
Hannah Chapman – Therapies Service Manager
Audience: All welcome
Venue: Education Centre
Cost: Half day workshop, £50