
Help keep Day Hospice running so patients don’t have to face life-limiting illness alone

Day Hospice is only partly funded by the NHS and we depend on our supporters for nearly half the cost to keep it running.

It costs £35 per day for someone to attend Day Hospice, where they receive vital care to help them manage physically and emotionally with their illness.

Day Hospice provides companionship, activities such as arts and crafts, symptom management, access to counselling and spiritual support, and complementary therapies like aromatherapy.

Lady In Wheelchaire

Please can you make a donation of £35 today to help one more person attend Day Hospice?

£50 could help provide arts and crafts materials to the Day Hospice for six weeks, so patients can enjoy creative activities.

£35 could help to pay for one more person to spend a day at Day Hospice, helping them feel less isolated and alone.

£10 could help provide lunch for two Day Hospice patients, to make sure they receive a nutritious meal whilst at St Joseph’s Hospice.

Woman In Sling

Make a donation to the Day Hospice Appeal

Spring Cash Appeal 2022
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  • Your support

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