
Accessible Information Project

Earlier this year we began our Accessible Information Project with small team of staff at the Hospice, and we’re pleased to announce we have been making some excellent progress.

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Earlier this year we began our Accessible Information Project with small team of staff at the Hospice, and we’re pleased to announce we have been making some excellent progress.


Phase 1 – Completed!

Phase 1 was focused on creating a range of accessible information leaflets called Easy Read, for people with learning disabilities and reduced mental capacity (due to illness) or lower levels of literacy.

By working with Empowering Voices, an experts by experience user group panel, we have developed a suite of leaflets that are easy to read and understand using fewer words and lots of images.

The leaflets were launched during Learning Disabilities Week in June, and are available at the Hospice in the Hub in the Information Area. The leaflets can also now be viewed on our website, here.

Phase 2 – Ongoing

We have now moved on to Phase 2 of the Accessible Information project. This will focus on creating accessible material in different formats (audio, video) to support the needs of people who may access information in different ways.

In addition to the printed copies of the Easy Read leaflets, we have made them more accessible to a wide range of people by adding a voice recording to the leaflets on our website at the click of a button.

The leaflets can also be viewed in different languages using the language dropdown at the top of the page. The voice recording is in English only.

We have also have moved a few things around so that all of our leaflets are more accessible and they can now be found in the Our Care dropdown on the home page of the website as well as in the Resources section.

Go to the home page of the website, click on the Easy Read button at the top of the page and it will take you directly to the page.