
The dietitian at St Joseph’s will work with you and your doctors, nurses, speech and language therapist, community dietitians, and other health professionals. They can assess what nutrition advice you need at each stage of your care.  This may include making the most of what you are eating, supporting you with your weight and strength, or using special nutrition if required. 

You may benefit from seeing a dietitian at St Joseph’s if:  
  • You have lost weight, or have a reduced appetite  
  • You are currently receiving or considering enteral tube feeding or oral nutritional supplements 
  • Your nutrition is impacting on your day to day functioning 
  • You are concerned about how your condition or treatment affects your nutrition 

First Contact Team

If you would like to find out more about these services please contact the First Contact Team on 0300 303 0400 or ask your health professional to make a referral 

If your dietetic needs are better met by community dietetic services, the hospice dietitian can help to facilitate a referral and handover to your local dietitian. 


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