Day Hospice
Day Hospice gives people with a life-limiting illness access to a wide range of services. You will come into the Hospice one day a week for 12 weeks to spend the day with other people who are in a similar situation to you.
What is Day Hospice?
When you come to Day Hospice your day will be tailored to meet your needs. We will focus on how you are coping and will help you with some of the physical, social, spiritual and emotional difficulties you may be experiencing because of your illness. Our experienced staff are available if you need a bit of help or have any worries.
Day Hospice is a friendly, caring environment where you can make new friends and participate in fun activities. We have volunteers who regularly join us to lead groups, like arts and crafts, play games and host parties.
Who can attend?
Day Hospice is for people aged over 18 with a life-limiting condition, living in City and Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Newham.
What can I expect from Day Hospice?
At Day Hospice you can make new friends, have fun and enjoy lots of laughter. We will also be there for:
- Symptom advice
- Advance care planning
- Emotional and social support
- Arts activities
- Gym group
- Social work or benefits advice
- Complementary therapies
(e.g. massage and acupuncture)
- Counselling
- Physiotherapy
- Spiritual support from our chaplains
- An opportunity to talk to us about any issue
How can I be referred to Day Hospice?
Most of our patients are referred to us by their GP, District Nurse, Community Palliative Care Nurse, or a hospital consultant. If you feel you would benefit from attending Day Hospice, please talk to your healthcare provider.
Alternatively, you can refer yourself by calling the First Contact Team on 0300 30 30 400.
Most of our patients are referred to us by their GP, District Nurse, Community Palliative Care Nurse, or a hospital consultant. If you feel you would benefit from attending Day Hospice, please talk to your healthcare provider.
Alternatively, you can refer yourself by calling the First Contact Team on 0300 30 30 400.

Outpatient Clinics
Our Outpatient Clinics provide nursing advice and supportive care for people with life-limiting illness.

Carers Service
If you are providing regular unpaid care for a loved one, then the Carers Service can help you and your family.

Support Groups and Workshops
We have a wide range of FREE groups and social activities for patients, volunteers, friends of the Hospice and the local community.

Compassionate Neighbours
Compassionate Neighbours is an award winning social movement.