
Essential Information

Here are the correct details to leave a gift in your Will to St Joseph’s Hospice:

St Joseph’s Hospice
Mare Street
London E8 4SA

Registered Charity Number: 1113125

Information for Solicitors and Executors

If you are an executor or solicitor administering a Will where St Joseph’s Hospice is a beneficiary, please do contact us on 020 8525 3200 or email

Dealing with an Estate

In the event that St Joseph’s Hospice is to receive a share of the residue of an estate, we are obliged to ask for a copy of the Will and the Estate Administration accounts.

This is in complete confidence and is not intended in any way to question the probity of administration. It is simply that we are required by the Charity Commission to request these documents and indeed they are provided as a matter of course by professional executors, such as solicitors and banks.

The accounts need to be a simple listing of the incomings and outgoings of the estate. We are sure that you will have prepared this already in order to calculate the residue of the estate, and a photocopy of that is all that is needed.

How to pay a gift in a Will to the Hospice
  • Send a cheque made payable to St Joseph’s Hospice to Legacy Officer, St Joseph’s Hospice, Mare Street, London E8 4SA
  • Bank transfer (please contact us at to request bank details and reference number)

For specific items, such as jewellery, furniture etc, we ask that the item is sold as part of the estate and proceeds are donated to the Hospice. Alternatively, items can be donated to be sold in our charity shops.

Frequently asked questions

I already have a Will, how can I update it to include a gift to St Joseph's Hospice?

You can use our Will Writing Services to update your Will or you can make small changes to your Will without re-writing it, by using a codicil.

The codicil is a document used to amend a Will. It must be witnessed in the same way as your Will but can be a cheaper and quicker way of updating your Will. Your solicitor can help you to add the codicil to your Will. Don’t make changes yourself as it could render your existing Will invalid if this isn’t done correctly.

What information do I need if I am including a gift to St Joseph's Hospice?

The information you’ll need is:
Our full name – St Joseph’s Hospice
Registered address – Mare Street, Hackney, London, E8 4SA
Registered Charity Number – 1113125

How can I find a solicitor?

You can use one of our Will Writing Services to make or update your Will. If you prefer not to use any of these, the Law Society website is a good and safe place to find a solicitor near you:

Is making a Will complicated?

Making a Will can be more straightforward than you think, particularly if you’re making a simple Will. We recommend preparing beforehand by putting together all the information you need. You may wish to request our Gifts in Wills Pack, which includes a Will Planner, to do this. Once you have all the information, you should be able to get your simple Will completed in a single solicitor’s appointment.

What is the difference between a single and mirror Will?

A single Will is a Will for an individual. Mirror Wills are two separate Wills made by, for example spouses or partners – each of their Wills contain exactly the same wishes as the other.

How often should I update my Will?

It’s advisable to review your Will every five years, and after any major life events, such as the birth of children or buying a new house. It’s worth noting that marriage invalidates any previous Will, so you’ll need to write a new one if you get married. If you write your Will with Octopus Legacy, there is an option for a yearly fee to make changes when necessary.

Can I appoint St Joseph’s Hospice as my Executor?

St Joseph’s Hospice is unable to act as an Executor for your Will. The role is an important responsibility and often involves a great deal of work. As an organisation, we do not have the resources to deal with someone’s affairs and would need to hire external support, incurring additional costs. It’s also not advisable to appoint an individual at the Hospice, as this causes difficulties if they are no longer working with us when the time came to deal with your estate. We would recommend that you choose a trusted relative, friend or your solicitor to take on this task.  If you have any questions on executorship or administration of an estate/legacy, please email

How do I make sure my Will is valid?

  • You must make it voluntarily and without pressure from others.
  • You must have mental capacity. This means that you must be fully aware of the nature of the document you are writing and signing including the effect that it will have. You must also be aware of the estate mentioned and can easily identity the beneficiaries of your Will.
  • You must sign your Will in the presence of two witnesses. You all have to see each other sign the Will, so none of you can leave the room until your Will is both signed and witnessed. Make sure that the witnesses complete their names, addresses and occupations on the Will.

Who can witness my Will?

Anyone who is over 18 years old can witness your Will. They must however not be potential beneficiaries of the Will, spouses of beneficiaries or members of your family. If a witness is a beneficiary, the Will is still valid but the beneficiary will not be able to inherit under the Will.

Stjh Fundraising Rob

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your Will, we are here to help. Please call us on 020 8525 3200 or email